venerdì 6 febbraio 2009

Foto promozionali per "Love takes wing"

Grazie a merrylegs

Video di Nick

2009-02-04 - Nick Carter - Inside Edition

04 02 2009 - Nick Carter - E! Daily 10

giovedì 5 febbraio 2009

Video di People

Guardate e gioite!!!! XD
nel video Nick parla dei suoi problemi di salute ma anche dei nuovi progetti del gruppo. Cita una canzone che Chris Brown ha scritto per loro (penso parli di Hologram) e una che è stata scritta da T-pain!

People di Febbraio

Ecco le scansioni.
Nell'articolo Nick parla dei suoi problemi di alcool e droga che gli hanno fatto correre il serio rischio di morire...

parere personale: alcune foto sono da urlo! O_O

mercoledì 4 febbraio 2009

Nuovo album: altra piccola news

pare che anche JC Chasez (ex N'sync) abbia qualcosa che bolle in pentola per quanto riguarda i boys!

“JC will be working with AJ Mclean and producer Jimmy Harry on the upcoming Backstreet Boys album in the LA studio on Friday. He’s also doing background vocals on one of the songs”.
credits to

dice che JC lavorerà con Aj e il produttore Jimmy Harry sul nuovo album dei Back a Los Angeles. Inoltre sta facendo delle voci di background in una canzone!

Inoltre sul net si dice che FORSE il cd è pronto, nel senso che le registrazioni sono finite, e che potrebbe essere pubblicato in Maggio, per il decimo anniversario della pubblicazione di Millennium. E il singolo invece potrebbe uscire in marzo/aprile anche se non si sa se sarà Hologram. Tutte queste notizie non hanno ancora trovato conferma da parte dei ragazzi, quindi per ora sono da prendere con le pinze.
Per finire, chi ha ascoltato Hologram, ha detto che la versione dei ragazzi è simile alla demo di Chris Brown ma migliore.
aspettiamo altre news - e magari conferme dai diretti interessati! =)

martedì 3 febbraio 2009

Foto di Alex

Foto del 31 gennaio 2009
Hard Rock cafe in Las Vegas

lunedì 2 febbraio 2009

AJ loses his sobriety battle

ccE' un video dalla festa di compleanno di Nick, io ve lo metto ma non lo commento, non mi sento di dire nulla...
Non ho parole..
si commenta da solo...
non voglio dire quello che penso, ognuno di voi vedrà e si farà la propria idea..

ed in merito a questo ecco cosa ha detto una ragazza sul LiveDaily...
*Thanks VERY MUCH TO Craxxxxxxxxy Jizzle**

The local radio station just had an interview with the girl that got
into the cab with AJ that night. Apparently, she’s from my hometown.
This is what I heard. Don’t kill the messenger.

Anyway, her name is Meredith. She says that she and AJ only met that
night. She was in LA visiting friends and they went to the Key Club not
even knowing that it was Nick’s birthday. She went up to the bar to get
a drink and AJ was there—completely sober. They talked about tattoos
and whatnot and that was the end of it. Later on in the night, they
talked again while they were both having a cigarette outside. AJ was
apparently outside getting cozy with some blonde girl. Still later,
right before the TMZ incident, Meredith ends up hearing her name being
called and it’s AJ. He’s in the VIP area and he was wasted. So, she
goes in and hangs out with the people that were there. At that point,
everyone else was still sober—Nick, Aaron, etc. She said that Aaron
told her that AJ was wasted and that they really need to get him home
and keep this away from the media. So, Aaron called a cab and asked
Meredith if she would take him home (mind you, this is a girl that AJ
only met that night.)

So, the scene outside the club unfolds Meredith gets into the cab with
AJ. Well, on the ride, neither of them have any money. So, AJ pulls out
his wallet, gives this girl that he just met his debit card and pin
number and tells her to withdraw some money from his bank account! So,
she pulls out the money and puts it in his wallet and when they get
back to his house she tells him to pay the cab driver and he has
completely forgotten that they even stopped at the ATM. She also said
that along the way, he was having a hard time telling the cab driver
how to get to his house. One of the other girls that were there had put
AJ’s address in Meredith’s phone, but she didn’t know how to tell the
cab driver to get there.

Anyway, after they dropped AJ off, she took the cab back to the Key
Club. Though, apparently AJ told HER that that girl that was yelling at
him was his roommate and not his girlfriend.

cr to LD ,